Core Values

The core values of Eminence Private School are directly derived from the Mission statements of the school and are in perfect unison to the values of Sadhbhavana World School.

  • Professionalism

  • A personal commitment to contribute through hard work to the delivery of high quality student-centred education keeping abreast with the latest technological trend.

  • Integrity

  • Honesty, fairness and openness to productive criticism

  • Accountability

  • Recognition that the School’s staff has a combined responsibility to the society

  • Flexibility

  • Willingness to learn, develops new skills, and takes on new responsibilities.

  • Tolerance and teamwork

  • Readiness to work effectively with others, regardless of background, and to recognize and welcome cultural diversity.

  • Communication

  • A commitment to the effective exchange of information (inside and outside the School) to foster goodwill, support efficiency, and enhance transparency.
