Being a Good Digital Citizen
by Rasha Navas, Grade 7
Digital citizenship, also known as the e-citizenship, involves regular
access to networks and their effective use that require the critical
thinking skills to evaluate the reliability of information that can be found
online. And when we do things online, we leave something called a
digital footprint which is quite permanent. This defines us and soon this
will be something that will determine our future, like where we will work.
- Will make sure to think about what they post online and keep away
from people who may be new or strange to them.
- Will not give out any of our personal information such as
password, address, phone number etc.
- Will not say anything online that you would not say to someone in
person. An online comment can be even more
hurtful than a face-
to-face insult, because once something is written the person can
read it repeatedly.
- Will think twice about what you are saying before you post or send
- Will treat others the way you want to be treated.
Being safe in the digital world is very important; it can follow you for the
rest of your life. So, folks let us practice to be good digital citizens!